Monday, June 20, 2011

R.I.P. Ryan Dunn

Most of us have heard by now that former Jackass Ryan Dunn has passed away after an unfortunate car accident early this morning. I, like many others, was awe struck when I read about this because not only did Dunn seem like a funny and carefree person, he was also my favorite of the Jackass crew.

R.I.P Ryan.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Graduation Day

So I just officially graduated from high school this past Saturday. I'm not sure if it's actually hit me yet, but it sure felt weird sleeping in on a Monday morning and not having to wake up early.

It'll definitely be different not seeing my friends walking the hallways of the school where I spent the majority of the last 4 year of my life. But with all that being said, I'm still excited to start my college life and move on. Here's a picture of our graduation ceremony......Yes our gowns were rather bright

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I've got the writers block so I'm just gonna leave this little post here.

 So me and my buds went golfing again today. I'm definitely starting to get the hang of things....or atleast I thought I was. Let's just say something really bad happened today, like twice. Yeah something really bad happened twice. But that's something I'll write about on another day. What was interesting today was golf-cart racing from the clubhouse to my house. You can enjoy it by watching the video below......Oh yeah, try and count how many times we almost came in contact with the cars.

                                     This is Cullen, he's one of my two friends that I golf with

Monday, June 6, 2011

How to Make 3 Minute Brownies

What You Are Going To Need

4 Tablespoons Cake Flour
4 Tablespoons Sugar
2 Tablespoons Cocoa
1 Egg
3 Tablespoons Milk
3 Tablespoons Oil
1 Mug


1. Pour Flour, Sugar, and Cocoa into mug. Mix Them together
2. Add 1 Egg to mug
3. Pour in Milk and Oil. Mix well
4. Microwave for 3 minutes
5. Wait until brownie stops rising and sets in the mug
6. Eat 

                                                          Flour, Cocoa, and Sugar mixed
                                                                    Egg Added
                                                                    Milk and Oil added
                                                    Everything stirred and mixed together
                                                             Rising in the microwave

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Golf Adventures

Today was an interesting one. My two friends and I decided that we wanted to pick up golfing, which is weird cause I've only golfed one other time in my life, which is even more weird considering there is a course in my neighborhood. But yeah after consecutive mulligan's (that's when you have to re-do your drive because you hit it way too far into the woods) and hitting 3-4 strokes over par on almost every hole, I quickly realized that I had a lot of practicing to do if I ever want to make it into the PGA. Oh by the way, I hit a 68......on the back 9 haha.

Last Day of High School

So with yesterday being our last day of high school, the senior class and I decided that we should do something unique. We decided ride our bikes to school. So what we did was we all met at the same neighborhood and parked in the pool parking lot, and from there we took our bikes to school. Now I'm not gonna lie, when I first heard about it I thought it was a little ridiculous and didn't think it would be that fun....However I was wrong. Even though it was hot, humid, and had just stopped raining, we still managed to get a good amount of seniors out with us. It was really a unique feeling seeing everyone on their bike or scooter just riding to school. All in all, it was a great time.

Make sure to check back later because I'm working on getting some pictures posted from the event

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good Outdoors Fun

This is a bit old however I feel it is still hilarious so I'm sharing it with all of you. In the summer of '10, me and a couple of friends happened to be wheeling out in our normal spot when we found a mattress. So we did what we thought was best......and tied that thing to that back of my friends truck. So what was next? Well one of my friends hopped on the thing of course and we started on our adventures. Long story short, he got covered in mud and it was a great time. (Oh yeah I was in the back of the truck with my friend filming)